Project Overview
"Overtime" is a gripping short film about a man nearing burnout. Originally planned as an 8-minute piece, it was reimagined into a shorter format to captivate the contemporary audience more effectively.
Role & Contributions
As the Editor and Post-Production Lead, I skillfully condensed the film to preserve its core narrative and tension, ensuring a powerful and succinct final version.
Approach & Execution
Strategic editing was key, especially in maintaining the original suspense and plot twist within a shorter timeframe. A critical element was the inclusion of the soundtrack, a version of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from "The Social Network", known for its tension-building prowess.
Results & Impact
The revised short film was well-received, particularly praised by my mentor in the Audio and Video Post-production course. It demonstrated successful engagement with modern audiences in a condensed format.
Skills & Tools Used
Employing Adobe Premiere Pro, I showcased my ability to adapt and craft compelling narratives, underpinned by a carefully selected soundtrack that enhanced the film's dramatic tension.
This project is an academic exercise for my course and is not an official video. The soundtrack used is for educational purposes only.